I have many times working with facebook button share. It took many time khổng lồ custom it run exactly. Right image, right description, right title…
And now i will tóm tắt for you the key issues.
Bạn đang xem: Adding the facebook like button to wordpress
1. Ensure that in html source. You have all item:
In area:
Button link:
That’s all. Note: It will show the title from meta tag, not title from button link.If after you click button share, you see any of title, description or image wrong. You just clear cache from facebook because facebook cached your link.
Just mở cửa this page https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug. Put your links to text box. In this case, you need to put link: http://example.com/link-to-share & click “Debug”.
After debug, you return your liên kết and click nói qua button. You will see it run exactly.
If you still have any issue. Post question below, i will help you.
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The Facebook like button stands out as a crucial social media tool, playing a pivotal role in promoting your trang web or blog lớn a broader audience. In this article, kholike.com walks you through the process of seamlessly integrating the Facebook lượt thích button into your Word
Press site.
Imagine, when you hit the like button on a particular website or blog, a notification pops up on your friends" News Feed on Facebook. This curiosity piques interest, leading them to lớn click the link and lượt thích the page. Essentially, there are two methods lớn add the Facebook lượt thích button to lớn Word
Press. Explore the details of each method in the following article.
Adding the Facebook like Button lớn Word
Press: A Step-by-Step Guide
Method 1: Utilizing Plugins lớn Embed Facebook like Button into Word
The simplest way to embed the Facebook lượt thích button into your Word
Press site is by using a plugin. kholike.com recommends the Facebook Button by Best
Soft for this purpose.
Download the Facebook Button plugin from this link
Follow the steps below to install the plugin in Word
Press by Best
Soft to địa chỉ cửa hàng the Facebook like button lớn your Word
Press site:
Step 1: Access the Word
Press dashboard, then navigate khổng lồ Plugins => Add New. Enter facebook button by bestwebsoft
in the tìm kiếm box & press Enter. Locate Facebook Button by Best
Soft, then click the Install Now button next khổng lồ it.
Xem thêm: Ứng Dụng Xác Thực Fb Là Gì ? Cách Sử Dụng Google Authenticator Cho Facebook
Step 2: Once the installation process is complete, the next step is lớn activate the plugin by clicking the Activate Plugin button.
Step 3: The next step now is to configure the plugin. Access the plugin settings page by navigating khổng lồ BWS Panel => Facebook Button.
Step 4: On the settings page, configure the Facebook lượt thích button according to lớn your preferences. This includes the display position of the lượt thích button và the language used for the button.
Step 5: Once you have configured the Facebook lượt thích button khổng lồ your liking, navigate to any page or post, or create a new post và insert the like button using the Add BWS Shortcode button.
Step 6: Click the Insert button again khổng lồ embed and địa chỉ cửa hàng the Facebook lượt thích button lớn Word
That"s it! You have completed all the steps, & the Facebook like button will be added lớn your Word
Press site.
Method 2: Embedding the Facebook like Button into Word
Press Manually
If you are familiar with the Word
Press file structure, you can manually embed and địa chỉ cửa hàng the Facebook like button to Word
Press. However, this method requires editing PHP files. Therefore, it is crucial khổng lồ back up your Word
Press website beforehand to avoid any unforeseen issues.
Follow the steps below khổng lồ manually embed and địa chỉ cửa hàng the Facebook lượt thích button lớn Word
Step 1: Access the Word
Press dashboard, then navigate khổng lồ Appearance =>Editor.
Step 2: On the right side of the screen, you will see editable files. Choose the location where you want to display the Facebook lượt thích button. In this guide, the lượt thích button is placed at the bottom of the page. Therefore, the footer.php tệp tin will be edited.
Step 3: Copy and paste the code snippet below into the PHP file:
After inserting the code snippet, the PHP tệp tin will look like the example below:
Step 4: Click the Update File button khổng lồ save the changes.
Step 5: Finally, visit the Word
Press blog interface and check if the Facebook lượt thích button has been placed in your desired location. If not, you can remove the code snippet và insert the lượt thích button elsewhere.
Explore two fantastic methods kholike.com has just shared with you on embedding Facebook lượt thích buttons into your Word
Press site. Additionally, dive into configuringGeneral Settings in Word
Press to get more acquainted with this website platform. We hope that after reading this post, you can effortlessly add a Facebook lượt thích button to lớn your blog page and don"t forget to giới thiệu your thoughts with kholike.com.