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Bạn đang xem: Any way to get more respec kits?

To kết thúc this discussion once and for all:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP6Sgiw
Don"t mind the quality. I recorded using Windows" tool & this is the first time I upload khổng lồ You
Tube, so I have no idea what I"m doing on that regard.
Really u can respec? Sadly.. Wanted to farm like old times on Dark Souls. but its pretty expensive so its ok I think
no, you can just return home and use customization data khổng lồ respec. The true respec is to lớn buy it from the vendor. Else you can"t respec your spent skill points. Skills are not stats.The màn chơi cap is 150, you will have unbelievable amount of stats points CP by then...
In the Governor"s Office, in the center, are some NPCs, one of them is the medal vendor. For several hundred of each medal, you can buy a skill repecc token. EDIT: They cost 300 of each medal for 1 token.Luckily if you"re still early, you stil have a lot of points waiting for you and probably haven"t screwed up.
hella revive but I also just got a respec kit from completing the movers & shakers subquest, or maybe it was a uniques, whatever it was for whacking the earthshaker bot. Just to, you know, maybe save someone 900 medals.
no, you can just return trang chủ and use customization data khổng lồ respec. The true respec is khổng lồ buy it from the vendor. Else you can"t respec your spent skill points. Skills are not stats.The level cap is 150, you will have unbelievable amount of stats points CP by then... Selecting an empty loadout will reset all CP và SP. That"s literally the most efficient way lớn have multiple builds, và I should know as I have lớn redistribute all my skill poins when I"m looking to lớn create an entirely new loadout.Just to clarify, selecting an empty loadout doesn"t make you lose skills you"ve unlocked (such as the stronger versions of base skills). You have to make them available for use again by redistributing your CP & unlocking each tier of the skills you wanna use individually. So, for example, if I want Power form 4 on a brand new loadout that I"m creating from an empty one, I gotta phối my stats khổng lồ as much as PF4 requires, then select each tier of the skill.If anyone doesn"t have all loadouts filled up, look at the right-side panel of any empty loadout. You"ll notice at the bottom your available SP and CP (if it"s not at the bottom, it"s at the top, but I"m almost sure it"s at the bottom). Each empty loadout will have as much available SP to spend as you should have, regardless of the skills you have selected on your current loadout.I think the kits are meant for those cases where you have all loadouts set but you want to make changes. Once you save a loadout, the only way to wipe it is by overwritting it after selecting an empty loadout, so in this case the respec kit might be a life saver. I know it sounds confusing, but once you play around with the loadouts menu you"ll understand what I"m saying.
To get the true end you must:Bring Afasys, Kureha, Zeliska, Itsuki, & Bazalt Joe to màn chơi 4 with 75% affection.After you bởi those 2 points, go khổng lồ the SBC Glocken và make sure EVERY green bubble is off your map. If you finish a date và the person is gone, but the green bubble is still there, then reload the map by going back home or to lớn the lobby. Afterwards, go back khổng lồ the green bubble. If the person is asking the same question a second time, pick another response.Do all the tutorial missions (those are appraising items, enhancing và transforming, and make an outfit).Finish Kirito Mode.Once you vì chưng all of that. Go back home. Your Afasys should give you an Afasy charm. Once you get this you are good khổng lồ get the true end.
You should also try lớn unlock new skills. To vì that, take a cấp độ 1 skill khổng lồ 50%, then buy the 2nd skill. Afterwards, move on to another cấp độ 1 & repeat. This is for  Collector trophy, which is collect 100 skills or gadgets. This will lessen the grind at the end. Also, change your weapon type once you reach 1,000/1,000 proficiency for one type of weapon. This will lessen the grind for the  The Ultimate Warrior, which is max out every weapon type"s proficiency.


Do not choose new trò chơi plus after beating the game or you will thua thảm all:Affinity ranks
Treasure quest progress
Unique quest progress
Hunting quest progress< Sometime before game version 1.5.0>Dual Wielding ability (until you complete story 17 quest again)Co-op quest progress 

Stage 2: Rewind Time Twice
After you beat the game, you will be given the option for NG+ or rewind time. Pick rewind time and get  A Lost Friend then rewind time again and get  Fall of the Uncrowned Queen. You will need to let the quái dị hit you with its dark sphere attack lớn trigger either ending. You can also use saves instead of rewinding time if you like.
Stage 3: Grinding, Online, and Other Trophies
Now it is time for the grind.  Collector và  The Ultimate Warrior should be your main focus &  Top Dog should be saved for last. If there are any other trophies you are missing, get get them now as well. After this step you should have a new platinum.


You can play on Easy mode until you face the final boss for the 3rd và final time, which is the moment it"s necessary to lớn switch khổng lồ Extreme mode. After that, you can go back to lớn Easy, if you like.


Are you in need of fast money? vị the highest cấp độ Co-op missions you can bởi vì (soloing is just fine since you get 6 random NPC + your Arfa-sys). Lv 85+ bosses (except for Wary Hierophant) give you four High-Quality Emeralds which you can sell for 500,000 a piece.
With update 1.3.0 3 new co-op quests were added Mighty Chariot 2, Ghospet 2, and subjugator 2. You can play those quest after beating the story mode. Quests are lv 200 và give 8 beautiful diamonds which can be sold for 1 million each.
If Extreme Mode is already unlocked, the fastest way is by farming Concealed Genbu in Sea Watchtower. Concealed Genbu drops between 9 khổng lồ 11 High-Quality Emeralds. Sea Watchtower can only be entered in Extreme Mode.


There are three different kinds of medals: attack, support, and weapon. All medals are stackable. Support and weapon medals you will get more of since they are easier lớn get. Attack medals you most likely have 1/10 of what you have for either tư vấn or weapon. Adding Premiere, Leafa, Strea, or Lisbeth to your buổi tiệc ngọt will help you gain attack medals, as they use status ailment skills và kill enemies with gadgets.
Attack MedalsSupport MedalsWeapon Medals
Kill an enemy with a gadget.Inflict the status ailments poison, blaze, stun, or suppression.Kill a player.
Heal an ally.Remove status ailments from an ally.Revive an ally.Use a skill that buffs attack (your own or an ally"s).Use a skill that buffs defense (your own or an ally"s).Kill 5 enemies with the same type of weapon.Get a double kill with the same type of weapon.Get a triple kill with the same type of weapon.

Skills và SP

Get all skills that are màn chơi 1 to 50% Proficiency, then switch to lớn another level 1 skill, as you need to lớn unlock & buy 85 different skills. And unlocking màn chơi 3 of any skill requires 100% Proficiency on cấp độ 2 skills. If you are low on SP, go khổng lồ the lobby. In the centre of the lobby are 4 girls. Talk lớn the girl with the xanh hair khổng lồ buy SP (20 SP for 15 attack medals, 30 tư vấn medals, và 15 weapon medals)

Transforming và Upgrading Materials

An easy place lớn get upgrading materials is co-op missions as you have a 100% drop rate of all items that trùm cuối drops. If you need transforming materials, go to lớn the medal trader to get 10 chips for 5 attack medals, 25 tư vấn medals, và 20 weapon medals.

Stats & Respec

Don"t worry if you mess up on your stats và need to lớn reset them. Instead of buying the Respec Kit size the medal trader, go to the terminal (one is in your room by your storage box) & go khổng lồ customization Data. Once there, you can save your current status or load a blank status and get all you CP & SP back. You can vì chưng this as many times as you want as long as you still have a blank status available. As long as you don"t save your data on all of them, you can keep resetting your status. More slots will be available as you complete the story.
You will obtain this trophy after completing the quest Ar
FA-sys Parts
after defeating the Angry Berserker in the Control Facility and returning home.
You will obtain this trophy after completing the quest Searching for Parts after defeating the Judgement System in the Extinct Civilization Research Lab và returning home.
You will obtain this trophy after collecting the part in the Subway A in the quest called Collecting Parts and returning home. The quái vật (Dirty Scissor) is completely optional. You will need to locate all nine control consoles in the boss khủng room & activate them to gain access to the room where the part is.
The SBC Flügel"s gatekeeper is located in the Forgotten Woods, which is the 4th bản đồ you unlock. His unprotected spot is his head and his weakness is the light on his back. You will vì chưng less damage if you shoot anywhere else. He is cấp độ 55 & has 3 life bars. The quái vật uses a laze attack that forces him to lớn stand still. Go under his legs while he is charging up his laser & shoot the light on his back. If this proves to lớn be difficult for you, bring a grenade launcher with explosive force damage as it will bypass the increased defense. It also has a chance khổng lồ stun the gatekeeper, making it easy to shoot its weak point. The trophy will pop after he is defeated.
After you defeat the gatekeeper, you will be put in a series of cutscenes, & at the kết thúc of all of those cutscenes you will be in Kirito"s room and a new main quest called "A New Squad" will appear. You will have to lớn defeat Kureha, Kirito, Sinon, & Yuuki.
This trophy is obtained defeating the monster Wary Hierophant in the quest Mother Claudia. This quái thú is almost exactly the same as the SBC Flügel"s gatekeeper, just with a lot more health and đơn hàng more damage. See  Attack on the SBC Flügel! for more details.
Death Gun does not show up in your normal run. Death Gun is the final boss khủng on Kirito Mode. If you are having trouble beating him, you can địa chỉ cửa hàng party members to lớn assist you. You can also change the difficulty to lớn Easy in the main menu under Options.Note: After version 1.09, you can no longer địa chỉ party members khổng lồ help you in the bullet of bullets.
To get this ending, you have lớn tell your Ar
FA-sys that you want to lớn save Zeliska when she asks you who do you want to lớn save. Then all you have to bởi vì is beat the final boss và the trophy will pop after the credits. This will lead to lớn Kureha"s death
To get this ending, you have lớn tell your Ar
FA-sys that you want to lớn save Kureha when she asks you who vì chưng you want lớn save. Then all you have to vì chưng is beat the final boss và the trophy will pop after the credits. This will lead khổng lồ Zeliska"s death
To get the true over you must:Bring Afasys, Kureha, Zeliska, Itsuki, và Bazalt Joe to màn chơi 4, 75% affection.Bring Kirito, Asuna, Sinon, Leafa, Lisbeth, Silica, Yuuki, Argo, Klein, Agil, Premiere, Strea, Philia, & Rain to cấp độ 2.After you do those 2 points, go lớn the SBC Glocken & make sure EVERY green bubble is off your map. If you finish a date & the person is gone, but the green bubble is still there, then reload the maps by going back trang chủ or to the lobby. Afterwards, go back to the green bubble. If the person is asking the same question a second time, pick another response.Do all the tutorial missions (they are appraising items, enhancing và transforming, and make an outfit).Finish Kirito Mode.Once you bởi vì all of that, go back home. Your Ar
FA-sys should give you a charm. Once you get this you are good lớn go for the true end.
These conditions must be cleared before entering SBC Flügel Depths (refer khổng lồ  Attack on the SBC Flügel! for more information). Failure to bởi so will cause the final quest activated khổng lồ be "Dead All", which in this case, you will be unable khổng lồ disrupt the dark sphere attack, locking you into the Normal Ending. Upon completion of the True Ending conditions, the quest "Dead All" will be switched out for "Fatal Bullet", which helps serves as an indicator.
When the Afasy ask you who lớn save you can pick either one. Once you get to lớn the final quái dị make sure you bởi vì not get hit from one of his tia laze attacks. You will know which laser it is, because he will charge it up and a bunch of đen / purple energy will start building up near his body. When the final quái nhân is left with 1 bar of health, it will charge up a dark sphere attack. This attack can be easily disrupted by shooting its face. You can also stop it by shooting the green crystal on its chest until it stumbles. However, using the method of shooting its crystal khổng lồ disrupt its attack forces a damage check, which is hard to lớn achieve on Extreme Mode. Upon doing so, a secondary quest objective will be cleared for breaking its parts và helping your friends avoid its attack. Failure to disrupt this attack will push you into the Normal Ending. If Zeliska or Kureha have a death cutscene, then you messed up somewhere. If you didn"t get the death cutscene, you got the true end.
Do not be fooled! You vị not have to lớn beat the whole trò chơi in Extreme mode. All you have to bởi vì is beat the last level on Extreme. Beat the game with any of the 3 endings on normal, then pick the option to lớn go back in time to lớn save a friend. Play the game on normal until your Ar
FA-sys asks you who bởi you want to save. Once you reach that point, log out (which will take you back to lớn the title screen), then go on options and then to other settings. Go to lớn Select Difficulty & boost it up khổng lồ Extreme. Now go back to your home, pick whichever ending you want, then beat the final boss. The trophy should pop up after the credits.
Go Kirito"s room, then go khổng lồ Asuna. Create 5 outfits và that trophy is yours!Note: you can only make starter outfits at first. If you want khổng lồ make other outfits you will need to get designs, they can be obtained by doing unique, hunting, or treasure quests. Those designs will need materials you can get by doing online co-op missions. However, creating the same outfit 5 times will still bag you the trophy.
Go lớn Kirito"s room then go khổng lồ Lisbeth. Enhance or transform a weapon 10 times & this trophy is yours!Note: if you lack transforming materials you can get some by trading medals with the blue-haired NPC on the center floor of the lobby.

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Appraise items 15 times.

Go lớn Kirito"s room then go khổng lồ Agil. Appraise items 15 times và this trophy is yours!
Exchange medals for items 3 times.

Go lớn the lobby. In the centre of the lobby are 4 girls. Talk to lớn the girl with the xanh hair and exchange medals for 3 things.
There are three different kinds of medals: attack, support, & weapon. These can be obtained in various ways, such as:
Attack MedalsSupport MedalsWeapon Medals
Kill an enemy with a gadget.Inflict the status ailments poison, blaze, stun, or suppression.Kill a player.
Heal an ally.Remove status ailments from an ally.Revive an ally.Use a skill that buffs attack (your own or an ally"s).Use a skill that buffs defense (your own or an ally"s).Kill 5 enemies with the same type of weapon.Get a double kill with the same type of weapon.Get a triple kill with the same type of weapon.
From your trang chủ go to the SBC Glocken. Take a left (don"t go up the stairs), talk khổng lồ Argo (she is the girl with the red paint on her face), và buy a weapon art to unlock this trophy. Each weapon art costs 300,000 - 450,000 credits, so it might take some time before you can buy one.
You will unlock banking after you finish the quest Searching for Parts. Talk lớn your Ar
FA-sys & go to lớn the option Banking, then Allowance, và give your Ar
FA-sys at least 100,000 credits lớn unlock this trophy.
After you finish "Collecting parts" go trang chủ to your Arfasy. Go lớn Change Outfit và change the màu sắc of it. You will then get this trophy.Color Coordinated video clip Guide
Credit khổng lồ Ventus SGN Plays for the video.
Welcome to the World of Pv
PParticipate in an online Pv
P match.

Online Required
Multiplayer Only
To participate in an online Pv
P match, go to lớn the lobby, then take a left. Talk to lớn the blue-haired girl and play a Pv
P. It doesn"t matter whether you win or lose, you will get the trophy.
To participate in online Pv
P matches, go to lớn the lobby, then take a left. Talk to lớn the blue-haired girl và play a Pv
P. Win 5 games of Pv
P and you will get the trophy. If you aren"t very good at Pv
P, get a friend to do private matches with you & allow you khổng lồ win. All Pv
P matches are 10 minutes long, unless you can khuyễn mãi giảm giá 3 million damage before those 10 minutes are up.
To participate in an online co-op quest, go lớn the lobby. Then take a right. Talk to lớn the blue-haired girl & play co-op. It doesn"t matter whether or not you complete the quest, the trophy will pop.
For this trophy you have to lớn kill 10 DIFFERENT co-op bosses. You unlock more co-op bosses when the story advances. If you don"t have 10 co-op bosses unlocked and you don"t want khổng lồ wait to unlock more, team up with a person who has 10 co-op bosses unlocked, then simply kill the bosses with that person.
From your home, go to the SBC Glocken, then take a left (don"t go up the stairs) và talk to Argo (she is the girl with the red paint on her face) and buy every weapon art. The gun and sword weapon art can be unlocked by beating Kirito mode. You will get this trophy once you acquire all of them.
Weapon Art
Price / Requirement
Handgun Weapon Art450,000 colReduces reload time & skill & gadgets also get reduced recharge rates.
Shotgun Weapon Art350,000 colDamage increase & all ammo will be turned in to flaming shots that explode on impact.
SMG Weapon Art400,000 colPlayer will spin around shooting a lot of bullets in every direction doing AOE damage to nearby enemies.
AR Weapon Art450,000 colTurns all ammo into flaming shots.
Sniper Weapon Art400,000 colFires one shot that has massive penetration allowing it to lớn go through multiple enemies và walls.
Launcher Weapon Art400,000 colShoot a bomb that splits into smaller bombs that giảm giá AOE damage.
Gatling Gun Weapon Art400,000 colSlams your machine gun into the ground causing a shockwave that hits nearby enemies.
Sword Weapon Art350,000 colUnleash a short sword combo skill.
Sword and Gun Weapon ArtBeat Kirito ModeUnleash a short sword & gun full bộ skill
Nostalgic Echo5,000,000 col (exclusive lớn new game plus)Possessing it makes raising affinity with your allies easier. 

Note: Nostalgic Echo is not required for the trophy.With update 1.3.0 snipers, Gatling guns, và shotguns weapon arts have been buffed.
Bring any stat lớn 150 to unlock this. If your build does not have a 150 points invested in a stat, then go back home to the terminal, go lớn Customization Data, & pick an empty slot to lớn save your build in. Afterwards, pick another empty one lớn get all your invested CP back và invest them in one stat until it reaches 150. If you don"t have enough CP, then you will have to màn chơi up more khổng lồ get more. Once one of your stats is 150 and you got the trophy, you can switch back to your old build by going back khổng lồ the terminal & loading your old build.
Get any skill to 100% proficiency. Simply using a skill will raise its proficiency, even if it misses. To check Skill proficiency, go to skills then press  and it will show you the percentage. 
For the collector trophy, you have to lớn buy 100 skills and/or gadgets. Buy all the gadgets then start using skills. Most skills go up to level 3. You need to lớn bring a màn chơi 1 skill to một nửa in order to lớn unlock the 2nd level. You need khổng lồ bring the 2nd màn chơi to 100% in order to lớn unlock the 3rd cấp độ skill. 
The fastest way to vì chưng this is by bringing a màn chơi 1 skill khổng lồ 50%, then buy the 2nd cấp độ skill, then move on to another màn chơi 1 skill. Also lớn help you in your grind, you should be grinding this trophy with a pistol because the weapon art for the pistol will make the recharged time for every skill-less then 5 seconds. Meaning you could use the pistol weapon art to spam a skill allowing it to lớn upgrade faster. Note: If you run out or need more SP to buy more skills, go khổng lồ the blue-haired NPC on the center floor of the lobby and trade medals for SP.
To reach the maximum level, keep using the same weapon type lớn defeat enemies. To kiểm tra your progress pause the game & pick the option with your character name on it. Then go on status & press  until the Weapon proficiency thực đơn shows. You have khổng lồ bring one of those weapon types to lớn 1,000. See  The Ultimate Warrior for more details.
To reach the maximum level, keep using the same weapon type lớn defeat enemies. To kiểm tra your progress pause the game và pick the option with your character name on it. Then go on status & press  until the Weapon proficiency thực đơn shows. You have khổng lồ bring ALL of those weapon types lớn 1000. Weapon Proficiency is increased not by a fixed value from the number of kills but by a per-hit basis. Most likely you won"t max them out naturally, as it depends on which weapons you favor & if you bother to kill mobs on the way or rush through the map.Current Fast/Fastest methods to max weapon proficiency include using the fastest RPM weapons of their category in the game, khổng lồ kill enemies.Credit to lớn Abyssal
Code0088 for the guide.Below are some tips for each weapon category:SMG, Handguns, AR, and shotguns mastery can easily be earned by killing normal enemies. For Snipers killing bees in Solitary Sands on Extreme mode will bag you 40 mastery per 3 minutes.For Gatling guns vì online co-op Dirty Scissor (lv 60) as you get 40 mastery per kill và with a tiệc nhỏ takes around 1 minute or less.For Launchers online co-op Wary Hierophant. This will be easy as launchers have a high chance to lớn bypass the armor allowing for a quick kill và 18 mastery per kill. With a tiệc ngọt should take 30-60 seconds.For Swords and Gun và Sword killing scorpions in Remnant Wasteland on Easy mode gives about 60-80 mastery per 3 minutes.
Unique enemies are lượt thích mini-bosses that can be found in fields or inside dungeons as an optional fight. There are even some story-related unique enemies, so It is not missable. Once you kill one you will get this trophy.
Go to lớn the Pv
P squadron và do every quest. You unlock more quest from them the farther you are in the story. There are a total of 24 Pv
P quest (or hunting quest, whatever you want to hotline it). If it gets too hard for you, then you should change the difficulty lớn Easy. Once you beat the last Pv
P quest you will get this trophy.
Go lớn the Pv
E squadron and do every quest. You unlock more quests the farther you are in the story. There are a total of 15 Pv
E quest in the game. If it gets too hard, then change the difficulty to lớn Easy. It"s best you pick them up as soon as they are available as most can be done while doing the story quests.
Go khổng lồ the treasure squadron và do every quest. You unlock more quest from them the farther you are in the story. There are a total of 24 treasure quest. You can even collect the items even if you are not on the quest, doing so will complete the quest when you accept it.Below is a đoạn phim with the location of every treasure.All Treasure Locations